Eight sexually transmitted infectionsAnnenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania
What are the usual signs and symptoms of syphilis?Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Jungho Park explains the concept of sector coupling to utilize green hydrogen...National Research Council of Science & Technology
A graphical abstract of the research focusing on the role of green hydrogen for power-to-gas-to-power(P2G2P)...National Research Council of Science & Technology
A methodology of the research focusing on the role of green hydrogen for power-to-gas-to-power(P2G2P)...National Research Council of Science & Technology
Proposed mechanism of action for ISM1 in regulating pulmonary fibrosis development and resolution using BIPF...Tsinghua University Press
Combinatorial optimization strategy of perovskites-based ferroelectric ceramics for energy storage applications...Tsinghua University Press
BNMR/Al2O3 composite ceramic can meet requirements of ceramic substrate for the next generation of high-performance elec...Tsinghua University Press
T-cell enhancing scaffold illustrationWyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard