First author Marko Cigler (l) and last author Georg Winter (r) at CeMM Time Capsule...CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
(from left to right) Matthias Heinrich, Alexander Szameit and Max Ehrhardt - the authors of the Science paper - experime...University of Rostock
Two photons (as stick figures) dance on a Möbius strip. Their joint movement along this twisted dance floor is the resul...University of Rostock
Mechanisms of sorafenib resistance in HCC.Sichuan International Medical Exchange and Promotion Association
Original Quantum Gate Teleportation circuit (a) and the corrected circuit (b)...Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Reduced springtime precipitation in the Central Andes due to anthropogenic aerosol forcing...Pohang University of Science & Technology (POSTECH)