Working principle of the CMOS integrated full Stokes polarimetric imager with dual operation wavelength (IMAGE)
a, Image of full Stokes polarization camera beside a U.S. dollar coin (lens not attached). b Image of full Stokes polarimetric CMOS imaging sensor c Top: 3D Conceptual illustration of chip integrated full Stokes CMOS polarimetric imaging sensor. Here P1-P4 denotes the LP filters with transmission axes at 0°, 90°, 45°, 135° respectively. P5, P5’ and P6, P6’ denote chiral metasurface filters transmitting right-handed circularly polarized (RCP) and left-handed circularly polarized (LCP), respectively. Here, P5 and P5’, P6 and P6’ are identical in dimensions respectively. bottom: 2D cross-section of the chip-integrated polarization imaging sensor. d 3D conceptual illustration of a pair of chiral metasurfaces responsible transmitting RCP and LCP light, respectively (P5, P6) and a LP filter (P2).
by Jiawei Zuo, Jing Bai, Shinhyuk Choi, Ali Basiri, Xiahui Chen, Chao Wang, Yu Yao
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