Chest radiograph analysis by AI system (IMAGE)
Left: Chest radiograph from 80-year-old patient in sample A. AI identified endotracheal tube (ETT) with probability score of 0.98, and properly localized tip of ETT (solid arrow). AI also identified tracheal carina with probability score of 0.99 and properly localized carina (open arrow). Based on pixel spacing information in DICOM data header, AI automatically measured absolute distance between ETT tip and tracheal carina (tip-to-carina distance, TCD) as 4.3 cm. AI also measured distance between ETT tip and carina along radiograph’s vertical axis of (y-axis tip-to-carina difference, TCDy) as 4.0 cm, indicating that ETT tip is located 4.0 cm above carina. ETT is in proper position based on TCD. Right: Chest radiograph from 77-year-old patient in sample A. ETT is in critical position, with tip located below tracheal carina. AI-derived TCD was 2.5 cm. AI-derived TCDy was -1.4 cm, indicating that ETT tip is located 1.4 cm below carina.
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