Saturn MIRI composite (IMAGE)
Montage of JWST MIRI/MRS observations of Saturn in November 2022, requiring four tiles to study Saturn’s northern hemisphere and rings. MIRI is sensitive primarily to temperature; Saturn’s colours are a combination of blue (11.6 µm, which senses stratospheric temperature), green (10.1 µm, a probe of upper tropospheric temperature) and red (10.3 µm, sensing lower tropospheric temperature) using MIRI’s MRS Channel 2. The rings use a different combination of filters: blue (13.5 µm), green (14.6 µm) and red (15.5 µm) from MRS Channel 3, which provides a slightly wider field of view. A Hubble visible-light observation, acquired in September 2022, is shown in the background for comparison.
Credit: NASA, ESA, and Amy Simon (NASA-GSFC); Image Processing: Alyssa Pagan (STScI)).
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