App-based tool quantifies pesticide toxicity in watersheds; identifies mitigation opportunities (IMAGE)
Watershed applied toxicity. The heat map and legend values represent applied toxicity as the Net Toxicity Index (NTI), the total applied toxicity of pesticide applications to all aquatic taxa investigated over the simulation period, fish, invertebrates, nonvascular aquatic plants, and vascular aquatic plants. Results are displayed for each study extent, a) California’s HUC8 watersheds and b) the HUC12 subwatersheds in the Bay-Delta Watershed. The NTI ranges identify the magnitude of toxicity released during pesticide applications, with values in the upper range, greater than 50,000,000, illustrating areas of applied toxicity that are up to 8 orders of magnitude greater than other watersheds. Base map source:
Parker et al., 2023, PLOS Water, CC-BY 4.0 (
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