Life cycle of isoprene-derived oxidized organic molecules and their role in new particle formation over the tropical free troposphere (IMAGE)
Isoprene emitted from the Amazon rainforest is transported upwards by mesoscale convective systems (convective clouds) to the tropical free troposphere (right). Isoprene surviving from removal processes in the clouds (e.g. scavenging by cloud hydrometeors) reacts with hydroxyl radicals (OH), hydroperoxyl radicals (HO2) and nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2) produced by lightning in the convective clouds. In the cloud outflow, isoprene-derived oxidized organic molecules are formed. These organic molecules can contribute to new particle formation in the tropical free troposphere, particularly the growth of newly formed nanoparticles (middle). The isoprene-derived oxidized organic molecules, which can endure long-range transport in the lower and middle regions of tropical FT, are potentially involved in aerosol formation on a continental scale (left).
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