Illustration of a p-orbital HOTI realized with a photonic Kagome lattice. (IMAGE)
The white dashed triangle marks one unit cell consisting of three sublattices (A, B, and C) and and indicate the intracell and intercell hopping amplitudes, respectively. Each lattice site corresponds to a laser-written waveguide, which supports p-orbital modes (see the left inset). Two types of orbital hopping amplitudes tσ and tπ are illustrated in the right inset. In the top vertex of the lattice, a p-orbital zero-energy corner state is depicted, protected by the generalized chiral symmetry and orbital hopping symmetry, albeit undergoing dynamical rotation driven by nonlinearity.
by Yahui Zhang, Domenico Bongiovanni, Ziteng Wang, Xiangdong Wang, Shiqi Xia, Zhichan Hu, Daohong Song, Dario Jukić, Jingjun Xu, Roberto Morandotti, Hrvoje Buljan, Zhigang Chen
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