Dr. Amy Brower and Dr. Kee Chan from the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) led a special issue, “Newborn Screening Research” published in American Journal of Medical Genetics Part C, Seminars in Medical Genetics (Volume 190, Issue 2). (IMAGE)
On the left upper side is the Newborn Screening Translational Research Network (NBSTRN) logo of a foot with DNA strand in the middle to depict the usual site where a newborn's sample is taken, the foot, and the DNA strand to communicate that the conditions that are screened are genetic. Across the bottom of the page is six circles to depict aspects of the newborn screening research community of (from left to right): 1) a baby in the hospital, 2) two hands hovering over two baby feet, 3) an empty circle to symbolize the invitation of new discovery through research and use of NBSTRN, 4) closeup of a baby's face, 5) a father, mother and a newborn, and 6) the DNA code spelled out in nucleotide bases of ACT and G.
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