The CMU research team evaluated ICP estimator performance on NIRS-derived average cardiac waveforms (ΔHbO and ΔHbT) against its performance on DCS-based average cardiac waveforms (cerebral blood flow or ‘CBF’). (IMAGE)
The CMU research team evaluated ICP estimator performance on NIRS-derived average cardiac waveforms (ΔHbO and ΔHbT) against its performance on DCS-based average cardiac waveforms (cerebral blood flow or ‘CBF’). (a) Histogram of ICP distribution for both train and test sets across all three modalities. More data were available at lower ICP values, especially between 5 and 10 mmHg. (b)–(d) Correlation plots for ΔHbO, ΔHbT, and CBF. Strong coefficient of determination (r2) for all methods indicates that the model performs well on ICP estimation.
Relander et al, doi 10.1117/1.NPh.9.4.045001.
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