Schematic diagrams illustrating the influence of high-amplitude glacio-eustatic variation on basin restriction, seawater chemistry, lithofacies variation, and RSTE enrichment patterns in sediments, silled Midland Basin. (IMAGE)
(a) Sea-level regression resulted in highly restricted hydrographic circulation, increased salinity, depleted seawater RSTE, low sediment Mo/TOC and U/TOC, stably stratified water column and euxinic bottom water, and predominant siliceous mudrock deposition. (b) Sea-level transgression resulted in improved deep-water renewal, normal marine salinity, resupply of seawater RSTE, elevated sediment Mo/TOC and U/TOC, destratification of the water column and oxic-suboxic bottom water, and deposition of carbonate. Well H, Horwood 2151H; Well A, Adoue 1H.
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