Working principle of the QFRS. (IMAGE)
(a) Schematic of entangled twin photons as ultrafast probe for molecules, where the parametric down conversion through a beta barium borate (BBO) crystal and multi-photon detection are presented. (b) Level scheme of microscopic model in Quantum FAST CARS. (c) Quantum FAST CARS signal, taking the 4 Raman-active modes A1, E and T2 in methane (CH4). (d) Level scheme of microscopic model in QFRS for electronically excited states. (e) Comparison between Intensity-correlated QFRS and classical probe pulse case for the time-evolving electronic coherence as a function of the delay T between the probe photons and the resonant pump pulse.
by Zhedong Zhang, Tao Peng, Xiaoyu Nie, Girish S Agarwal, and Marlan O Scully
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