Working principle of a remote magnetic field sensor (IMAGE)
a, broadband low-temperature luminescence spectrum of a lithium yttrium fluoride crystal doped with holmium and a line with hyperfine structure shown in the Inset. b, Splitting of hyperfine components of a luminescent spectral line in a magnetic field. c, A possible scheme of an all-optical magnetic field sensor: the sample placed in a measured magnetic field is illuminated by a diode laser at a wavelength of 638.3 nm; the emission is collected by a lens, filtered and sent to a piezo-scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer, and then to an optical detector; the interferometer scanner and the signal intensity on the diode are connected using feedback through the PID controller and the lock-in amplifier; the scanner displacement will be linearly dependent on the magnetic field applied to the sample.
by Boldyrev, K.N., Malkin, B.Z. & Popova, M.N.
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