Figure 1: Neural activity during social cognition and its relationship to cardiovascular risk factors and fitness (IMAGE)
Canonical correlation analysis (CCA). Left: The strength of the association between neural activity and each category for cardiovascular risk/fitness. Center: The strength of the association between neural activity in each region and cardiovascular risk factors/fitness. Right: Mapping of the regions of the brain where there was a strong association. Pairs of positive values (warm colors), and pairs of negative values (cold colors), were positively correlated. There is a negative correlation between a positive value and a negative value. A negative correlation was found between BMI/high blood pressure and neural activity in the social brain network (yellow regions in the diagrams on the right). A positive correlation was found between social brain network-related neural activity and fitness.
Ishihara, Toru et al., Association of Cardiovascular Risk Markers and Fitness with Task-related Neural Activity during Animacy Perception, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (2022).
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