Fig. 1. Experimental realization of topologically controlled THz localization. (IMAGE)
(a) Illustration of nonlinear generation and confinement of THz-wave in an SSH-type microstructure. The LN structure undergoes a transition from L-LD, through equidistant, to S-SD regions along the +z axis, illustrated by colors shaded from orange into blue. The polarization of the THz electric field generated and that of the optical pump beam are all along the direction of the LN crystalline axis (z-axis). (b) Microscope image of the LN array structure fabricated by fs-laser writing.
by Jiayi Wang, Shiqi Xia, Ride Wang, Ruobin Ma, Yao Lu, Xinzheng Zhang, Daohong Song, Qiang Wu, Roberto Morandotti, Jingjun Xu, Zhigang Chen
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