Metamaterial-enabled arbitrary on-chip spatial mode manipulation. (IMAGE)
a, Dielectric perturbations are located at the “peaks” or “valleys” in the transverse mode profile of high-order mode to maximize the mode overlap integral. b, Schematic view of the metamaterial TE₀-TE₂ building block, exploiting fully-etched dielectric slots on a silicon waveguide. c-d, Topology layout of arbitrary even-order and odd-order mode operators, respectively. The waveguide width is directly determined by mathematical formulas for a given mode order. e-f, SEM photos of the TE₀-TE₅ and TE₀-TE₂₀ mode operators, respectively.
Jinlong Xiang, Zhiyuan Tao, Xingfeng Li, Yaotian Zhao, Yu He, Xuhan Guo, and Yikai Su
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