InP/ZnSexS1-x/ZnS QDs and QLEDs. (IMAGE)
a. The transmission electron microscopy images and schematic diagram of InP/ZnSexS1-x/ZnS QDs. b, The photoluminescence (PL) spectra of InP/ZnSexS1-x/ZnS QDs with various Se/S ratios. With the increasing ratio of Se element, the PL peak redshifts and the full width at half maximum (FWHM) decreases. The best quality InP/ZnSe0.7S0.3/ZnS QDs acquires the highest PLQY of 97% and the narrowest FWHM of 35 nm. c The structure and the electroluminescence spectrum of InP/ZnSe0.7S0.3/ZnS QLEDs.
by Peng Yu, Sheng Cao, Yuliang Shan, Yuhe Bi, Yaqi Hu, Ruosheng Zeng, Bingsuo Zou, Yunjun Wang, and Jialong Zhao
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