The principle of duality in the recent discovery (IMAGE)
On the left side, we have a scattering process involving two gluons (green/yellow and blue/cyan) interacting to produce a gluon (red/magenta) and a Higgs particle (white). The more complex scattering process to the right is mirrored by the simpler one on the left, but here we have a scattering process of two gluons (green/yellow and blue/cyan) interacting to produce four gluons (red/magenta, red/yellow, blue/magenta and green/cyan). The black color symbolizes the fact that in the collision itself, many different elementary interactions can occur, and we have to sum over all possibilities. According to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, we cannot know what possibility exactly occurred – so it’s a “black box”. Drawing: Søren J. Granat
Søren Jønsson Granat/NBI
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