The main principles of binary hologram with drug-elution capabilities. (IMAGE)
a, graphical representation of the operation of a binary hologram as a drug release indicator. As the drug elution goes the far-field diffraction patterns corrupts in a certain way that could be used to qualitatively track the amount of eluted cargo. b, the main stages of manufacturing such holograms in a lab-scale quantitates. The critical steps in the manufacturing process are excess powder removing and freezing. Freezing allows for formation of condensation onto the surface of the PDMS mold. This condensate dissolves the small amount of excess powder left after the initial scurrying process. This thin layer of water solution could be easily removed. The result is almost no redundant powder left in-between the cargo bits that could corrupt the far-field diffraction pattern. The physical dimensions of the well in the mold and the physical and chemical properties of the loaded powder govern the size of a cargo bit. Different water solvable bioactive substances such as antibiotics, dyes etc. could be used in this process to fit the desired needs.
by Arkady S. Abdurashitov, Pavel I. Proshin, Valery V. Tuchinl Gleb Sukhorukov
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