A PL based approach for comprehensive analysis of the radiative and nonradiative recombination in a semiconductor. (IMAGE)
Fig1. a, PL spectra of two GaAs samples (A and B) at a low excitation density. b, the same as in a, but at a much higher excitation density. c, PL intensity as a function of excitation density for sample A and B;Fig2. a, schematic for nonradiative recombination process through defect states. b, minority and majority carrier density vs. excitation density for sample A. c, the same for sample B. The legend “LOPP” refers to the electron density determined by the LO-phonon/plasmon coupled mode frequency measured by Raman spectroscopy; Fig3. a, radiative recombination rate vs. excitation density. b, minority carrier capture rate vs. excitation density. c, majority carrier capture rate vs. excitation density.
by Fan Zhang, Jose F. Castaneda, Timothy H. Gfroerer, Daniel Friedman, Yong-Hang Zhang, Mark W. Wanlass, and Yong Zhang
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