Figure 1 (IMAGE)
(a-b) SEM images showing the side and top views of the cracked structures obtained by fs-LAL of Si at a laser power of 700 mW, a scan interval of 15 μm, and a scan speed of 1 mm/s. (c) Structure of a macropore. (d) Enlarged CLIPSS morphology in (c). (e, f) Twin CLIPSS in a macropore. (g, h) SEM images of the grooves obtained by 50mW-fs-LAL. High contrast applied to (g) is to see macropores in the valleys of grooves more clearly. (i/k, j/l) Enlarged images of green and blue rectangles in (g) and (h), respectively. The direction of laser polarization is shown in (b, l). (i, j, k) and (l) CLIPSS and normal LIPSS, respectively. (m) Velocity vector of a fluid vortex formed in a hole structure upon the impact of high-speed superimposed horizontal and vertical flows of fluids.
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