Figure 1 | Photon Emission of the Atomic Photon Source. (IMAGE)
a, Schematic illustration of the atomic scale memristive photon source (APS) with the plasmonic nanoantenna (highlighted in white dashed box) forming the tips of the quasi-triangular-shaped Ag and Pt electrodes. b, Overlay of a wide-field electroluminescence image with an optical transmission image from the APS. The electroluminescence image of the APS is taken, accompanying a resistive switching I - V voltage sweep. c, Schematic illustration of the atomic photon source emitting photons during the memristive switching process. The Ag filament is growing from the Pt towards the Ag electrode. The bright red spot represents the emitted photons at a likely origin in the gap of the atomic photon source.
by Bojun Cheng, Till-Maurice Zellweger, Konstantin Malchow, Xinzhi Zhang, Mila Lewerenz, Elias Passerini, Jan Aeschlimann, Ueli Koch, Mathieu Luisier, Alexandros Emboras, Alexandre Bouhelier and Juerg Leuthold
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