Figure 1 Concept of the metasurface design. (IMAGE)
(a) The conventional slide rule (left) is driven by mechanical rotation and read out visually with an easy-to-use size. As an analog, an ultra-compact prototype of the photonic counterpart (right) based on the metasurface platform is shown. The metadevice is designed with the incident frequency and polarization state function with varying phases. Correspondingly, angle-resolved interfered spots are observed in the far-field. (b) The metadevice design can be decoupled to two parts: vortex generation and achromatic annular focusing. Both phase profiles are dependent on the frequency. In the vortex beam design, the phases rotate in opposite directions and at distinct angular velocities with different topological charges. (c) The interference holography generates a moving symmetric annulus with intensity distribution indicated as the purple curve on the right. As a representative, intensity distribution at wavelength 3.75 μm is for demonstration. (d) The captured images at different frequencies on the same focal plane with left circular light incidence. The annular intensity distribution rotates with the incident frequency.
by Feilong Yu, Jin Chen, Lujun Huang, Zengyue Zhao, Jiuxu Wang, Rong Jin, Jian Chen, Jian Wang, Andrey E Miroshnichenko, Tianxin Li, Guanhai Li, Xiaoshuang Chen and Wei Lu
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