Fig.1 (IMAGE)
Six months after transplantation of human iPS cell-derived cartilaginous nucleus pulposus (hiPS-Cart) into the rats with intervertebral disk degeneration model. Histology at six months after transplantation. A) Normal intervertebral disk. Nucleus pulposus and growth plate cartilage are stained in red with safranin O. B) Nuclectomized group. Nucleus pulposus disappeared, intervertebral disk were disrupted, and growth plate cartilage are disorganized. C) Group in which hiPS-Cart was transplanted after nuclectomy. Intervertebral disk structure and growth plate cartilage were preserved. D) Immunostainig of a semi-serial section of C) with an antibody that recognize human vimentin specifically. Existence of human cells is shown, indicating that hiPS-Cart survived and functioned.
2022 Takashi Kamatani et al. Human iPS cell-derived cartilaginous tissue spatially and functionally replaces nucleus pulposus. Biomaterials
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