Nomalized factors influencing North China dust weather during 1979/80–2020/21 (boxplot), 2011/12–2019/20 (black dots) and in 2020/21 (red triangle). (IMAGE)
The climate conditions of the dust source area including surface air temperature during early-winter (SATP1) and late-winter (SATP2), winter precipitation (Pre) and February-March NDVI. The preceding factors that influenced dust source including difference of sea ice in Barents and Kara Sea (SIdiff), Nino3.4 index, Northwest Atlantic SST (AtlSST). The atmospheric indexes included minimun March SLP (minSLP) and March cyclone numbers (CN) over dust source area. The high (H) and low (L) ranks of these factors within 2011/12-2020/21 are also marked.
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