Multiple mobile excitons manifested as sidebands in quasi-one-dimensional metallic TaSe3 (IMAGE)
(a,b) The band structure determined from ARPES measurements and it’s curvature intensity plot along the X-S direction of 1D TaSe3. The data shows side valence bands (SVB) above the main valence band (MVB). (c) The band dispersion extracted from tracing the peak positions of the full spectrum in a and b. (d) The average energy separations between MVB and first SVB and between the first and second SVBs, plotted as a function of the Fermi wave vector, which is tuned by surface potassium doping. (e) Art sketch showing the bound states of intra-chain, inter-chain excitons, and inter-chain trions in 1D TaSe3. (f) The theoretical model, showing how the SVBs are constructed from bound states. (g) Proposed origin of the MVB and the various SVBs, with different inter- or intra-chain structures.
Dr. Junzhang Ma
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