The Hysteresis of the Antarctic Ice Sheet (VIDEO)
The animation shows the modelled long-term evolution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet under steadily increasing temperatures.
The upper panel shows the ice sheet's surface elevation change (in meters; grey shading), the ocean-induced melting at the base of the floating ice shelves (in meters per year; purple-orange shading), as well as the topography of the bed underneath the ice sheet and the surrounding ocean (in meters above the present-day sea level; blue-brown shading).
The lower panel shows the total sea-level relevant ice volume change (in meters of sea-level equivalent ; blue curve) and total ice mass flux (in gigatons per year; purple curve).
Abbreviations: EAIS, East Antarctic Ice Sheet; WAIS, West Antarctic Ice Sheet; IS, ice shelf; FRIS, Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf.
For full details, please refer to the publication below.
This video is supplement to the following article: Julius Garbe, Torsten Albrecht, Anders Levermann, Jonathan F. Donges, Ricarda Winkelmann (2020): The hysteresis of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. Nature [DOI:10.1038/s41586-020-2727-5]
Usage Restrictions
The video may only be used when referring to the study it is a supplement to: Julius Garbe, Torsten Albrecht, Anders Levermann, Jonathan F. Donges, Ricarda Winkelmann (2020): The hysteresis of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. Nature [DOI:10.1038/s41586-020-2727-5]
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