Value from Parts (IMAGE)
Figure 5. Computation of value from component parts in the anterior cingulate cortex (A) Overlapping effects of quality, quantity, and their interaction in the ACC. A conjunction analysis revealed overlapping representations of each component (p<0.05uncorrected) [green] in the ACC, suggesting a nexus for the computation of value. A complementary analysis using an explicit representation of integrated value as a parametric modulator identified the same region (p<0.05FWE-corrected) [turquoise]. Timecourse displayed for illustration purposes. (B) Decision > Non-Decision trials. The ACC also showed higher activity in trials upon which a decision was made compared to valuation trials [red], overlapping with the conjunction analysis identified in panel a [green].
de Berker <em>et al., JNeurosci</em> (2018)
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