Figure 1. Visualization of similarities between elements (IMAGE)
a–d, Heat maps for similarity matrices MASMI16 (a), MCALPHAD (b), MAFLOW (c) and MLTVC (d). Each matrix element is the probability mass that the similarity mass function of the corresponding element pair is assigned to subset {similar} of Ωsim. These matrix elements indicate the degree of belief learned from the similarity data of the corresponding element pairs. The degrees of belief are illustrated using colorscale bars. e–h, Hierarchically clustered structures of all E constructed using hierarchical agglomerative clustering and the MASMI16 (e), MCALPHAD (f), MAFLOW (g) and MLTVC (h) datasets. The blue, green, and gray regions indicate groups of early and late transition metals and elements without evidence for similarity, respectively.
Hieu-Chi Dam from JAIST.
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