Callorhinchidae (IMAGE)
Morphological interpretation of mandibular and palatine tooth plates of Moskovirhynchus robustus gen. et sp. nov. and terminology used in text; (a–c) SGU, no. 155/65, right mandibular (L18, Ls3.2) plate: (a) symphyseal-occlusal view, (b) basal view, (c) lingual cross-section; Moscow, Kuntsevo; Upper Jurassic, middle Volgian, virgatus Zone; (d–e) SGU, no. 155/66, left palatine (L19.8) plate: (d) occlusive view, (e) basal view, (f) lingual cross-section; Moscow Region, Lopatinsky Phosphorite Mine no. 7-2-bis; Upper Jurassic, middle Volgian, ?virgatus Zone. Abbreviations: damaged surfaces and parts of the plate cross-hatched; vascular pleromin of tritors stippled; laminar pleromin in grey; orientation of missing parts of tooth plates as dotted line. Abbreviations: (’), int’, syt’ etc. pleromin bodies of the corresponding tritors in lingual cross-section; abt, aboral part of the plate; da, distal angle; fbp, field of basal perforation (light grey fill); ibmt, inner branch of median tritor; int, inner tritor; L, mesiodistal length; lam, labial margin; ldl, lateral descending lamina; lgr, growth lines on the surface of “compact glossy tissue”, lim, lingual margin; Ls, length of symphyseal platform on mandibular plate; lwf, labial wear facet; ma, mesial angle; obmt, outer branch of median tritor; ort, oral part of plate; out, outer tritor; sdl, symphyseal descending lamina; spl, symphyseal surface; sym, symphyseal margin; uws, unworn part of the occlusive surface.
Kazan Federal University
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