Coupling Strength (IMAGE)
(A) The coupling strength dependent spectral evolution. In the zero-detuning condition (the plasmon resonant energy is equal to molecular vibrational energy), as the coupling strength increases, the SEIRA spectra lineshapes evolve from symmetric Lorentzian shape (i) to asymmetric Fano shape (ii), anti-absorption Fano dip (iii) and that with broadened spectra linewidth (iv). Further increasing the coupling strength could lead to emergent of new absorption band P' (v), which origins from the plasmon mediated coherent intermolecular coupling as show in the schematics (B). (B) The molecules located inside the hotspot and outside the hotspot couple with plasmons with different coupling strengths (Vi and Vo). The molecules at the two locations are indirectly coupled through the plasmonic field and the phenomenal interaction strength is Vint.
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