Reversible Optical Lateral Forces for Bidirectional Sorting of Chiral Particles (IMAGE)
a Illustration of the sorting of chiral particles with left and right handedness by the optical lateral force at an air-water interface. b Microscopic image of the chiral microparticles. The scale bar equals 5 μm. c SEM image of dry polymeric chiral microparticles. The scale bar equals 1 μm. d TEM images of thin slices of microparticles with different sizes and different spiral configurations. The scale bars equal 1 μm. Electric field and 2D Poynting vector in the y-z plane for θ of 10° (e) and 45° (f). The Poynting vector strings has a bias to the left (e) and right (f), resulting positive (e) and negative (f) optical lateral forces respectively
by Cheng-Wei Qiu
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