Figure 1| Moiré interlayer exciton. (IMAGE)
a Moiré pattern in a R-type MoSe2/WSe2 heterobilayer. The three highlighted regions (A, B, and C sites) correspond to the local atomic configurations with three-fold rotational symmetry. b The side- and top-view of the three R-type local atomic registries (A, B, and C sites) and the corresponding optical selection rules for the interlayer exciton in these atomic registries. c Moiré potential of the interlayer exciton transition with a local minimum at A site. d Optical selection rules for K-valley interlayer excitons. e PL spectra of multiple moiré interlayer excitons in MoSe2/WSe2 heterobilayers with twist angles of 1° (bottom) and 2° (top). Each spectrum is fitted with four (1°) or five (2°) Gaussian functions. f The centre energy of each moiré interlayer exciton resonance at different spatial positions across each sample. g Circularly polarized PL spectrum of the 1° sample under σ+ excitation (top). The degree of circular polarization versus the emission wavelength is shown in the bottom, demonstrating the multiple moiré interlayer excitons with alternating co- and cross-circularly polarized emission. h-j Magnetic-field-dependent PL from moiré-trapped interlayer excitons in MoSe2/WSe2 heterobilayers with twist angles of 57° (h), 20° (i) and 2° (j). Top: circularly polarization-resolved PL spectra with narrow linewidth (100 μeV) at 3 T. Bottom: total PL intensity as a function of magnetic field, displaying a linear Zeeman shift of the σ+ and σ? polarized components. k Absorption spectrum of the MoSe2/WS2 heterobilayer as a function of twist angle. The MoSe2 A- and B-exciton resonances (XA and XB) are indicated for large twist angles where hybridization effects become negligible. The three resonances labelled hX1,2,3 appearing at θ ? 0° correspond to the hybridized excitons in the vicinity of XA.
by Ying Jiang, Shula Chen, Weihao Zheng, Biyuan Zheng and Anlian Pan
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