Characterizations and half-cell performance of KO2-based cathode for KIB. (IMAGE)
(a) Theoretical output potential, specific capacity and energy density for the KO2 and other typical K-ion battery cathodes. (b) XRD pattern and TEM images of KO2-RuO2@rGO cathode composites. The XRD pattern of KO2-rGO is shown for comparison. (c) Galvanostatic discharge/charge curves (the initial cycle) of KO2-rGO (grey traces) and KO2-RuO2@rGO (blue traces) cathodes, respectively. (d) Typical discharge/charge curves of KO2-RuO2@rGO cathode collected in half-cell (coupled with large excess amount of K-metal anode). The average overpotential (vs. thermodynamics 1.94 V) upon charging and discharging are shown inset for clarity. The current density are fixed at 300 mA/g~KO2.
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