Lung Damage May Persist Long After COVID-19 Pneumonia (IMAGE)
Non-contrast axial and sagittal chest CTs corresponding to the CT severity score. (A) 1: minimal (subtle GGO, very few findings): CT shows subtle subpleural GGO (arrow) in the right and left lower lobe. (B) 2: low (several GGO, subtle reticulation): CT shows several subpleural GGO and superimposed reticulation (arrow) in the right and left lower lobe and left upper lobe. (C) 3: moderate (multiple GGO, reticulation, small consolidation): CT shows multiple GGO in all lobes. (D) 4: marked (extensive GGO, consolidation, reticulation with distortion): CT shows extensive subpleural GGO, and consolidations (arrow) in the dependent lung. (E) 5: massive (massive findings, parenchymal destructions*): CT shows massive consolidations in the dependent lung areas as well as extensive GGO in the upper lobes. *Parenchymal destruction includes pneumatocele, cavitation or abscess formation. GGO= ground-glass opacities.
Radiological Society of North America
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