Dynamics of spin texture in the numerical simulation of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability at an BA-core DW (IMAGE)
A small fluctuation added to the initial state with a flat DW (a) grows up to a characteristic wavy pattern of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (b), releasing a lot of skyrmions to both the right and left sides (c). Many of them are ordinary skyrmions with integer charge or eccentric skyrmions with fractional charge. In the panel (d), we see an eccentric fractional skyrmion as a spin-downward domain, located on the far right. Red and blue arrows show spin vectors in upward and downward domains. On magnetic domain walls, spin vectors vanish or are parallel to the paper represented by green arrows. The numbers at the bottom left of each panel represents the time in the simulation.
Hiromitsu Takeuchi
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