Distributed Kerr Lens Mode-Locked Yb_YAG Thin-Disk Oscillator (IMAGE)
Schematic representation of the DKLM Yb:YAG thin-disk oscillator. A wedged Yb:YAG thin disk with a thickness of ~0.1 mm and a ROC of -20 m was used as the gain medium. It was placed inside a 36-pass pump cavity as a folding mirror and pumped by a fiber-coupled diode laser at 940 nm. The resulting pump beam size on the disk was 2.5 mm in diameter. A set of nonlinear plates were inserted close to the OC, including one YAG plate and five sapphire plates. The cavity length was ≈740 mm, corresponding to a repetition rate of 203 MHz. HR: high-reflection mirror; HD: high-dispersion mirrors; OC: output coupler; KM: Kerr medium (sapphire plate); H: hard aperture; R1 and R2: concave mirrors with ROC of -150 mm and -50 mm, respectively.
Ultrafast Science
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