New MRI Technique Detects MS Brain Changes Earlier (IMAGE)
(A, B) Sample spectra and abnormal metabolic images of myo-inositol (mI), N-acetylaspartate (NAA), and the ratio of mI to NAA (mI/NAA) together with MRI scans in two participants with multiple sclerosis. Red arrow in A indicates region in normal-appearing white matter with higher signal intensity of mI only. Yellow arrow in B indicates region with higher signal intensity of mI and reduced signal intensity of NAA, where no changes or only diffuse changes are visible at T1-weighted MRI (T1w)/ fluid-attenuated inversion-recovery (FLAIR) imaging, and green arrow indicates white matter lesions, where elevated mI signal intensity extends FLAIR-visible pathologic findings. i.u. = institutional unit, ppm = parts per million, tCho = total choline, tCr = total creatine.
Radiological Society of North America
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