Comparison of black hole merger observations with predictions from the new model (IMAGE)
Comparison of black hole merger observations with predictions from the new model. The horizontal axis shows the total mass of both black holes in any individual merger, relative to the Sun’s mass. The vertical axis gives a measure of how far into the past the merger was observed, where a redshift (denoted z) of 1 corresponds to when the Universe was half of its current size and z = 0 is today. The LIGO--Virgo observations are displayed as black crosses, with smaller crosses representing measurements with smaller uncertainties. Predictions for black holes in a static (not expanding) universe are shown in the orange region, with the darker shading representing more predicted objects. These are contrasted to predictions for cosmologically coupled black holes in a growing universe, which are shown in the blue region.
University of Hawai`i, University of Chicago, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
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