Archaeological sites where the samples were obtained. (IMAGE)
The sites where the samples were newly obtained in this study are indicated by circles and those from previous studies are indicated by triangles. Red, orange and blue symbols indicate the time of the archaeological site, i.e. the Jomon period, Yayoi period and Kofun period, respectively. Legend: Jomon sites; IK002 (Ikawazu Kaizuka), F23&F5 (Funadomari Kaizuka), JpKo (Kosaku Kaizuka), JpOd (Odake Kaizuka), JpFu1 (Funagura Kaizuka), JpKa6904 (Kamikuroiwa Iwakage site) and JpHi01 (Hirajo Kaizuka) Yayoi site; Yayoi (Shimomotoyama Iwakage site) Kofun site; JpIw (Iwade Yokoana tomb)
Kanazawa University
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