Figure 5 (IMAGE)
miR-151a enhances angiogenesis in 3D vascularized lung tumor spheroids and is expressed in vasculature of NSCLC patient specimens. (A) Stable miR-modulated (GFP-expressing miR control, miR-151a and anti-miR-151a) HUVEC and lung cancer cells (A549) were generated. miR-modulated lung cancer and endothelial cells were mixed and 3D vascularized tumor spheroids were allowed to form. On day 7 tissues were fixed and immunofluorescent staining was performed visualizing vessels (CD31, red) and tumor cells (GFP, green). Representative images from one of at least three similar experiments are shown. Scale bars: 150 μm. Average (Avg) sprout length per spheroid (B) average sprout number per spheroid (C) and average branch number per spheroid (D) are shown. (E and F) The expression level of miR-151a was analyzed by in situ hybridization in two normal lung samples and three primary NSCLCs (miR-151a expression: high = purple, low = light pink). Scale = 50 μm in Figure 5E and scale = 100 μm in Figure 5F.
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