Epidemiologic Triad for the Mosquito-Borne Japanese Encephalitis Virus (IMAGE)
In a new article in the Annals of the Entomological Society of America, researchers at Kansas State University and the U.S. Department of Agriculture recommend the adoption of an enhanced "epidemiologic triad" for vector-borne diseases -- i.e., those spread by insects and related arthropods, such as mosquitoes and ticks. This depiction, using Japanese encephalitis virus as an example, demonstrates that controlling the vector is as important as controlling the pathogen or treating the hosts. "Rather than focusing on managing diseases at the host or pathogen level, we suggest the focus should be at the environmental and vector levels, an approach known as integrated vector management, or IVM," says Natalia Cernicchiaro, DVM, MS, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Diagnostic Medicine and Pathobiology at Kansas State and senior author on the report. "Management strategies applied at these levels tend to be more sustainable and effective."
Annals of the Entomological Society of America
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