Figure.1. (IMAGE)
Overview of In vivo pooled library screen of new therapeutic targets for human epithelial ovarian cancer : This is the diagram depicting the overview of in vivo loss-of-function library screens. First, human ovarian cancer cell line was lentivirally transduced with druggable pooled shRNA library or whole-genome CRISPR/Cas9 library, generating large pool of cells with knockdown or knockout of each one gene in the human genome. Then, these transduced cells were implanted in the abdominal cavity of immunodeficient mice and frequency of cells with each short hairpin RNA(shRNA)/single guide RNA(sgRNA) in the formed intraperitoneal tumors were determined by next generation sequencing. Genes targeted by multiple shRNA/sgRNAs, cells of which were significantly depleted in tumors, were identified as promising drug targets.
Osaka University
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