Abstract (IMAGE)
EPR spectra of the (001)-oriented single-crystal samples having the shape of a bar and a plate of STO:Fe3+ at T = 300 K (a) and of a plate of STO:Mn4+ at T = 150 K (b). The orientations of the samples with respect to the magnetic field B are marked in the figure. Black lines are the measured spectra, the red ones are the fits and the blue lines show the simulated spectra of the non-perturbed cubic-symmetry centers (see text). Orientation dependence of the resonance fields for the Fe3+ centers in the STO:Fe (001)-plate (c) with the magnetic field rotated in the (001) and (100) crystallographic planes (rhombs and circles, respectively); its fit using the Hamiltonian (1) is shown by solid lines. Temperature dependences of the parameter corresponding to the axial component of the crystal field for a plate (squares) and a bar (circles) shaped samples (d); dotted lines are the guides for the eye.
Kazan Federal University
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