The Concept of Quantum Expander (IMAGE)
Light Publishing Center, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics And Physics, CAS
The figure illustrates the concept of quantum expander for gravitational-wave detectors. a) The gravitational wave from a cosmic merger event displaces the mirrors of the detector, and the signal is read out on the photodiode (PD). A nonlinear crystal �(2) inside the detector cavity squeezes quantum uncertainties in the light and enhances the sensitivity of the detector. b) Quantum expander relies on the parametric process in the nonlinear crystal, and interaction between resonances of coupled optical cavities in the detector. c) The nonlinear crystal squeezes quantum uncertainty below the vacuum level, reducing quantum noise in the readout. Coupled cavity structure allows to reach maximal squeezing at high frequencies, not disturbing the low-frequency sensitivity. d) Gravitational-wave strain amplitude from the neutron star merger (light blue trace) is embedded in quantum noise. Due to the optical cavities the signal is lost at high frequency, masking the post-merger oscillations of the newly formed object (yellow trace). Quantum expander allows to resolve the signal at high frequency, and read out the important information about the properties of quantum matter in a formed object (blue trace). The detection bandwidth of the GW detector is thus expanded.
by Mikhail Korobko
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