Oyster Restoration in Chesapeake's Harris and Broad Creeks (VIDEO)
This 2.5-minute video shows oyster reefs in two creeks--Harris Creek and Broad Creek, in the Choptank River on Maryland's Eastern Shore. Harris Creek has been an oyster sanctuary since 2010, and now has hundreds of acres of restored oyster reefs. Just next to it, Broad Creek has remained open for harvesting and has relatively flat oyster reefs. The key difference is in the seascape. The oyster sanctuary at Harris Creek has more vertical structure, which enables it to support a higher density of oysters that can filter the water and provide other benefits, like habitat for fish. Check out the video to see how the two creeks compare.
Video footage: Smithsonian Environmental Research Center Fisheries Conservation Lab Video Editing: Liana Quiñones Music: "Special Day 3" by Lincoln Grounds and Richard Rayner
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