Total-Body PET/CT (IMAGE)
Left: Total-body PET/CT in psoriatic arthritis: multiple joints affected, shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees, ankles and small joints of the hands/feet. Arrow: left wrist; arrowhead: right wrist. Middle: Total-body PET/CT in rheumatoid arthritis: multiple joints affected, right shoulder, small joints of the left hand. Arrowhead at the 4th proximal interphalangeal joint shows classic ring-like uptake pattern. Arrow on the foot images demonstrates the hammer toe deformity besides big toe arthritis. Right: Total-body PET/CT in osteoarthritis: affected joints include the left elbow, right knee (arrow) and right big toe (arrowhead).
YG Abdelhafez et al., University of California Davis, Sacramento, CA.
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