This is the figure title:
Several candidates:
-Mouse modeling schizophrenia show abnormal activity in hippocampal place cells.
-Hippocampal place cells show abnormal activity in mice modeling schizophrenia.
-Abnormal activity in hippocampal place cells in mice modeling schizophrenia.
This is the caption:
Left figure:
In normal mice, hippocampal neurons, known as place cells, become activated in a specific location within the maze. For example, cell #1 is activated when the mouse is near the start point of the maze. In this figure, the yellow dot indicates that cell #1 showed activity when the mouse is at that place.
Upper right figure:
In normal mice, during rest periods, hippocampal place cells became reactivated in the same order as in the maze-performing period (ex. Cell①-②-③-④-⑤). However, in mice modeling schizophrenia, all place cells were reactivated almost simultaneously at abnormally high level.
Lower right figure:
The graph shows the relationship between the distance and the difference in activity timing between given pairs of place cells. In normal mice (left, CT), the further apart in distance the pairs of place cells are the greater the difference of activation timing between these cells is. However, in mice modeling schizophrenia (right, KO), the difference of activation timing is around zero independent of the distance of given pairs of place cells, that is they are activated almost simultaneously.
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UNDER EMBARGO UNTIL: 12:00 noon EST/ 16:00 GMT on Wednesday October 16, 2013/ 01:00 JST on Thursday October 17, 2013