Coral Exposure Map (IMAGE)
Marine researchers from the Wildlife Conservation Society and other groups have created a map of the world*s corals and their exposure to stress factors (i.e. high temperatures, ultra‑violet radiation, weather systems, sedimentation, tides) that will help identify coral reef systems where biodiversity is high and stress is low, ecosystems where management has the best chance of success. The exposure index ranges from 0‑1, with green indicating sites with a low exposure index (most likely to benefit from management), and red indicating sites with a high exposure index (less likely to benefit from management). Source: Wildlife Conservation Society Here are the exposure index scores for several coral reef sites ranging from low to high (Locations with a range of scores indicate more than one coral reef site): Réunion Island (0.1‑0.34); Hawaiian Islands (0.27‑0.58); New Caledonia(0.58); Bonaire(0.69); Key Largo(0.78‑0.90); Lombok Island(0.79); Palmyra(0.83); Chagos Islands(0.84). Some locations examined in the coral exposure study produced a wide range of exposure index scores between sites, such as: Mauritius(0.25‑1.0); Great Barrier Reef (0.34‑0.94)
Wildlife Conservation Society
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