Overview of Barcode-Primer Pair Combinations (IMAGE)
Overview of barcode-primer pair combinations: (A) primer map indicating variable domains, position of primers and intron sites within barcodes (triangles); (B) proportion of sequences corresponding to the 16 most common fungal classes (median amplicon-based abundance >0.1% sequences; shaded columns) as based on the average values of amplicons (open columns) and shotgun metagenomes (blue columns). Error bars, letters, asterisks, and triangles indicate standard error, significantly different groups, primer-template mismatches, and introns within barcodes, respectively. Numbers behind class names indicate variation (R2adj) explained by the choice of primers. ITS1a, primer pair ITS1Fngs-ITS2; ITS1b, ITS1ngs-ITS2; ITS2a, ITS3mixtag-ITS4ngs; ITS2b, gITS7-ITS4ngs; (C) total taxonomic richness based on samples rarefied to 8609 sequences with different letters indicating significantly different groups.
Dr. Leho Tedersoo
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